I am running for all of my community. I don't care how you vote, what you look like or whom you love. I will work tirelessly for you. We're hurting right now, and I want to bring healing. We've lost too many great folks to COVID and I will do anything to protect my neighbors. I lost two friends myself to this wretched disease.

When people stopped me on the street, asking "where are our shots?" I called the governor. When people said they were concerned about their homes flooding, I worked to get more than $120 million in state funds for stormwater management. When young people ask me "what are you doing about climate change?" I raised more than $2 million for the Forest Preserve's environmental education center that has no carbon footprint. When neighbors asked me to turn Rollins Savanna into an education hub, I invited educators in to start a program at our Seed Nursery.

All these dollars will make people's lives better. I live for improving everyone's well being. Those who know me know I work with anyone in this community. I speak before any local group -- and take hard questions.

What do I stand for? I want healthy, safe communities where little children can learn to ride their bikes and play, and where elders can retire with a sense of peace. I’m addressing climate change by getting trains moving faster, fixing our roads and reducing our carbon footprint.

I am your servant and I do it with humility and honor. Because I believe that the power of democracy and public service is rooted in the compassion of community, I will keep fighting for you. I hope to see you soon. Strangers didn't ask me to do this work. You did and I'm proud to do more.

I’m happy to speak with you, homeowners, community, church, or student groups. I can be reached at JohnWasik6@gmail.com.